"Live, Run, Love" is the theme of the event, Chariofare 2012 held by International Medical University on 22nd of September 2012. The event was held in conjunction with the university's 20th anniversary. The main purpose of this event is to raise money for the less fortunes. The beneficiaries are Rumah Love and Care, Kajang, Rumah Shalom, Precious Children Home, Yayasan Sunbeams Home, Persatuan Kebajikan Hope Worldwide KL and Association of Social Services and Community Development of Gombak District (PSPK), Selangor. As a part of program charity run, charity carnival, competitions and exhibitions was arranged by the committee members to make this event a success. More than 1600 runners was participated in the charity run and more than 3000 participants in total. The event raised approximately RM 131,000.
We, the students of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, intake 2011, were in charge of a booth under Mr. Lim Chee Siong and other lecturers. We sold sweet corns, hot dog sandwiches, briyani rice, gulab jamun (an Indian sweet), canned drinks, recycled crafts and milo for any purchase from us. Our group was separated into two. Morning and afternoon sessions which further divide into two; food preparation and promoters. Morning session was from 8.00am to 12.00pm, while evening session is from 12.00pm to 4.00pm. I was in the morning food preparation team. As planned we started to prepare food by 7.00am. Our kitchen was set in the first floor. With the help of my other friends and lecturers we managed to prepare food faster and sent it to the driveway, where the booth was set. After finish prepared enough food to be sold, i went down to driveway to help promote gulab jamun to the participants. It was tiring but fun indeed....