It was on 17th of August 2012, my friends and I planned to volunteer ourselves to work at National Zoo. It was 30 minutes drive to Ampang from IMU. I arranged for transportation with Su-xian. The reporting time was 8.00 am. The person in charge of volunteer program gave us a short briefing of the do's and don't's. Then we were asked to divide into a group of three to four. Each group will be assigned to work at a department in the zoo. It was nothing new for me, I have been a volunteer at the National Zoo during my pre-university program. Myself together with Wan Hoon Mun, Tee Yoke Li and Low Yinyee was assigned at the Bear department under the supervision of Mr. Pathmanathan. We followed Mr. Nathan to the bear department. It not just the bears they handle at the bear department, but also Gaurs, Capybaras (giant rodent), Goats, Pademelons and Deers as well. Being the only guy in the group was given the hardest task of all. I was sent to the gaur area. Gaur? What is it actually? It is well known as "Seladang".

Mr. Wan Mohd. Ariff lead me to gaur section, he is one of the member of beer department which is in charge of the gaur and capybara areas. Mr. Ariff handed me a pair of working boots and gloves, and asked me to bring the wheelbarrow which was placed at the entrance of the gaur section. The place was terribly smelly with the gaur dung and urine. First of all, both of us cleaned the gaur barn. We collected all the grass leftover, place it on the wheelbarrow and i threw it away at the dumping site near the entrance of gaur section. Then we washed the barn. Later on, we gave food for the gaurs. The main source of food is grass and some organic food in the powder form also given to the gaur for nutrition purpose. I had the chance of standing beside the gaur and even touch them. While they are eating, both of us quickly collected the gaur dungs and swept the places. Mr. Ariff told me that it is easy to clean the roaming areas of gaur when they are eating. With the gaur dung all over the places, we used wheelbarrow and dustbins to collect it. And finally we collected 3 dustbin full of dungs. We placed the dustbins outside the entrance gate. According to Mr.Ariff. the gaur dungs will be used to make fertilizers. He also gave me some additional information about the gaurs. He told me that a gaur as it grew bigger its hairs will fall and it will look darker compare to the young gaurs.

After finish cleaning the gaur section, we proceed to the capybara section which was beside the gaur section. Nothing much to do there actually. Both of us swept the dried leaves all over the places, put it inside a rubbish bag. I throw the bags at the dumping site and bring grass for the capybaras using the wheelbarrow. Capybaras are largest rodent in the world. They prefer vegetables more than grass. So they are given vegetables in the evening.
After finis all our work, it was finally 12.30 pm. We were given lunch break until 2.30 pm as it was Friday and the Malays will go for their Friday prayers. My friends and I had our lunch at The Wilds in the zoo. All of us took a walk around the zoo for a wile enjoying our time there.
By 2.25 pm we gathered at our respective departments. I followed Mr. Nathan to the bear section. The bears are kept in a specially designed area as they are very dangerous. They are kept in a cage at night and let roaming freely at space which was separated by a steel door. And there is a huge drainage between that space and the railing where the visitor stand. Our work was to climb down to the drainage area and swept all the dried leaves there to prevent from clogging the drains. There were six bear cages. After clean each and every one of it, we prepared food for the bears. According to Mr. Nathan, there are three types of bears in the zoo; brown bear, honey bear and sun bear. Brown bear feed on meats except for the two other bears. And honey should be included in the food for honey bears. We washed all the cages and place the food inside the cage. Then Mr. Nathan opened the steal doors for the bears to enter the cages. I get a life time opportunity of feeding honey to the honey bear. I was scared to be honest but it is one the best experience of mine ever.

Finally it was 5.00 pm. It was time to go back. I had a great time as a volunteer. And i hope to go there again if time allows. It was a day to remember always!!! :-)